
In today's article, learn about the 4 apps to measure blood pressure, so you can take better care of your health from anywhere, in a practical way.

Did you know that it is currently possible to measure your blood pressure through your own cell phone?

Yes, it looks like something from the future, but it was already created in the present, making it much easier.


High blood pressure (hypertension) affects a large portion of the world's population, and the use of technology can be of great importance for people to maintain their health.

Check out the apps to measure blood pressure:


This app measures the user's heartbeat, showing everything like a hospital monitor.

It is exclusively for iOS devices, costing $0.99 on the App Store.


To perform the measurement with the app, the user must press his finger on the camera location for a few seconds, and the measurement will be taken.

heart rate monitor

This second app is made for the Android system and is widely used by athletes around the world.

To use the app, like the previous one, the user must press his finger on the device's camera for a few seconds.

The app shows the result of the user's heart rate and provides the data of their heartbeats in graphs.


The app is completely free.

Withings Health Mate

The third application is not only aimed at measuring blood pressure, it brings care to the user's general health.

It is able to help weight loss, have better sleep control, control blood pressure and help the user to exercise more and more often.

The app features several gadgets, which greatly optimize its use.


It even has a scale that helps the user to have greater weight control, in addition to a blood pressure meter if necessary.

O Withings Health Mate can be found on Android and iOS.


This fourth and final application measures the user's blood pressure by pressing a finger on the device's screen and another on the camera for a few seconds.

The app is also able to measure heart rate, check vision and hearing, check lung capacity, test for color blindness and measure respiratory rate.

In addition, the app is still a step meter.

Although we currently have several technologies to monitor heart disease, it is still not possible to completely avoid them.

Thus, it is always important to maintain a healthy habit, taking care of your health to avoid future problems.

It is also very important that the person sees a doctor for periodic checkups of the heart and general health.