
If you have coins stashed away, you might find the app to check your currency value.

Collect old, commemorative or foreign coins, it's common.

Currencies bring different values in the market.


With the help of an app, one can find out the values of such coins.

Today, we are going to talk more about the app CoinSnap.

CoinSnap app

First, download the CoinSnap app to your mobile phone, available at android It is iOS.

In the app, go to the “Get Started” option.


Thus, you will also accept the policies and terms.

This application is paid, and presents, to the user, a seven-day free trial period.

So, choose your plan and launch the app.

using the app

In the app, you need to upload or take a photo of the coin.


Thus, the app will be able to identify its value.

You must have a photo of the reverse and one of obverse.

The photo must still:

  • Be sharp;
  • Have good lighting;
  • Be of only one coin at a time.

Find coins in the app

Going to the top of the page, you can use the search bar to find a coin.


The search can be done:

  • By country name;
  • By currency name.


After registering the coins, you can go to the collection menu and see everything you added.

This menu displays:

  • The number of countries;
  • The amount of coins;
  • The value of coins.

You can see the coins by:

  • Customized series;
  • Official series;
  • All.

It's still possible view the coins filtering by:

  • Registration Date;
  • Release year.

Other Resources

In the Collection menu, you can also find more resources available.

Going to the top of the page, the user can find:

  • The search field (magnifying glass icon);
  • The wish list (heart icon);
  • The history (clock icon);
  • Settings (gear icon).

At wishlist, it is possible to visualize the currencies that the user wants to have.

At the historic, you can see the currencies searched and registered.

In the settings, it's possible:

  • Manage the subscription;
  • Access support;
  • Read the app's privacy policy and terms of use;
  • Support the application;
  • Share it;
  • See more information about the app.