
Check out today which are the best apps for measure blood pressure available on the market, managing to have a better monitoring of your blood pressure.

We use the cell phone a lot for our daily tasks, being increasingly present in the lives of many people.

When we talk about health, the cell phone is even more essential.


Because, through it, we can use apps to help for free.

In this way, people who have high blood pressure can find several apps for Android and iOS that help to measure blood pressure.

Thus, it allows better monitoring of pressure data using only the cell phone, without the need to have a pressure device.

We see more and more cases of people with high blood pressure, so always having a medical follow-up is very important.


Due to daily commitments, people are not always able to measure their pressure at the correct time.

Therefore, using an app to check the pressure arterial, proves to be quite useful.

So today, we've brought you some of the best apps on the market. measure blood pressure using the cell phone.

Check out.

BP Monitor App


The BP Monitor app works to measure systolic and diastolic pressures, in addition to being able to check the user's heartbeat.

Thus, it is one of the best known apps measure blood pressure with the cell phone available in the market.

It brings several useful tools for those who need to monitor the blood pressure every day.

The app also allows you to record the collected information in its database, making it possible to share everything with the doctor.


The BP Monitor App can be found at android.


The SmartBP app, which features a free version, is also useful for measure blood pressure by cell phone, presenting an intuitive interface.

It makes it possible to record the pressure data to be able to check the daily changes, in addition to allowing you to share your information.

In addition to being a tool for measure blood pressure, the app also measures BMI and records user data.

It's a very complete application, bringing a lot of useful features.

The SmartBP app can be found at android It is iOS.

Blood pressure

The Arterial Pressure application works as a diary to write down the measured values of blood pressure.

Thus, whenever the user measures his pressure, he can record everything in the app, better organizing the information.

It is also useful for recording daily habits, going beyond an app to save the data of the blood pressure.

It's another very complete application to use. measure the blood pressure using the cell phone.

The Blood Pressure app can be found at android It is iOS.

Pulse and Blood Pressure

The Pulse and Blood Pressure application, in addition to measuring blood pressure, can measure the user's heart rate on the cell phone.

With it, the user can measure his pulse, check his pressure arterial, add notes and view saved data daily.

In addition, it has a simple and intuitive interface, which does not bring problems in its use.

Another useful feature of the app is that it works on smartwatch. Thus, it operates perfectly on mobile phone and smart watch.

The Pulse and Blood Pressure app can be found at iOS.