
With the technological advances and the new proposals of the developers, today applications mobiles can be an ally for hypertensive patients, as they facilitate their registration, and also for health professionals who want to involve patients in the monitoring of their hypertension.

High blood pressure is one of the so-called “silent diseases”: it does not present symptoms but it causes serious health risks. That's why it's important to keep your blood pressure at bay, take your blood pressure –whether at home, at the pharmacy or at a doctor's appointment- and control the values.

In this article we will recommend the apps most used to record and monitor blood pressure from the convenience of your cell phone.


instant heart rate

With this application now it is possible to see the barking of the heart in real time on the mobile screen. Instant Heart Rate detects the user's pulse when he completely covers the cell phone camera lens with his index finger, as if it were a pulse oximeter.

The procedure is very simple: the app detects the slight changes in the color of the finger caused by your blood capillaries, which expand and contract with each heartbeat.

This allows the application to measure the wrist and convert it into a graph, so that you can store the data and even be able to share it on Twitter and Facebook.


This innovative app is in its free version for Android and is also available at a very affordable price for iOS.

 Blood Pressure Log

It is an app that is very useful for carrying out the follow-up of blood pressure measurements that have been taken at home, at the doctor's consultation, at the pharmacy or wherever you are.

The application stores data on the day and time of measurement, the place where it was taken, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, pulse and weight, for a single user or your entire family.


From the data, the app analyzes them following the indications of international professional associations.

Best of all, it's free and available for Android.

 heart pro III

It is an app that presents such spectacular graphics that it even served as an example in Apple's iPad television ad.


For that reason, it is a very useful tool to show patients when explaining their ailments, illnesses and injuries. In fact, it allows you to see the heart from any angle of vision with just sliding your finger across the screen and including a quiz for self-learning about this organ.

It is only available for iOS users at very affordable prices.