
The messages, photos, videos, gifs, and everything else we receive on our cell phones accumulate and fill up our cell phones' memory, and sometimes we only realize when we really have to record a video or something like that.

At this point, stopping and clearing the memory can be very laborious and time-consuming, so it's best to use some application to do this job for you.

Today, we bring you a great app to free up storage space inside the cell phone, very quickly and easily. See below.

Power Cleaner


The Power Cleaner app,

One of the best-rated apps in its segment on Google Play, with an average rating of 4.6, it is a very complete app that cleans the device's memory very well.

The application works with the identification of temp files that are in the memory of cell phones and devices, deleting them.

It also identifies defective files, which are left by the system and just occupy memory space.


This app also performs, in a very efficient way, the application detection that are installed on the cell phone and that are overheating it, which can then be deleted if the user so desires.

When should the Power Clean app be used?

The Power Clean app is recommended when:

The cell phone starts to slow down;

The cell phone begins to consume excessive battery power;


The cell phone starts to overheat.

Power Clean is a great cleaning software of the cell phone, where it optimizes the CPU, and thus also helps in saving the battery.

How the app Power Cleaner it works?

The Power Clean app works as follows:

  • The app cleans the files that are dead, the caches and the garbage that are persisting in slowing down the cell phone;
  • It detects excessive use of cell phone memory;
  • It improves the performance of the cell phone or device by cleaning its RAM memory;
  • Performs an analysis and identifies all applications that are consuming excessive energy;
  • Performs battery current optimization, thereby extending its service life;
  • It monitors applications and closes those that are idle using the CPU, thus preventing it from overheating.