
The Criciúma women's basketball team received great news directly from the United States of America.

One of your athletes, Isabella Thome de Jesus, who is part of the FME Criciúma/ Satc/Mampituba team, won a scholarship at Saint Peterburg College.

The young athlete will study at university and represent it in women's basketball competitions.

The dream coming true


Isabella Thomé first entered the Criciúma basketball project for fun, when I was just 12 years old, in 2006.

The sport conquered her and she dedicated herself more and more. “I joined the project just for fun. Over time I realized how special basketball was to me.”

“The work that our techniques do in this project goes far beyond just basketball, they structure and encourage athletes to be their best on and off the court”, says Isabella.

Over time, the athlete began to dream of studying and playing outside the country: “As the project progressed, the dream of going to the United States emerged. Winning this scholarship is not just my merit, but that of each of the athletes and committee, who have always supported me and encouraged me to continue and grow.”


“I’m speechless about going there, seeing this dream coming true it just reminds me of a word that is gratitude”, she adds with emotion.

Despite having already achieved a lot, Isabella is focused, knowing that it will be a period of a lot of hard work and learning: “The aim is to show what this project taught me about basketball and learn basketball better there, to evolve and continue with this dream of being a professional athlete”, declares the athlete.

Team coach talks about the scholarship won by Isabella

The coach of the Creciúma basketball team, Luana Minotto, remembers the other athletes from Criciúma who won scholarships outside Brazil, totaling five young people.

“For our project, it is very important and gratifying that another athlete is winning a 100% scholarship in the United States. This makes us realize that we are on the right path, providing quality for our players to become professionals”, declares Minotto.


The coach's work, according to herself, goes beyond titles and winning competitions, but is focused on realize dreams: “It’s great to see that another one of our athletes achieves her big dream through basketball.”

“Much more than winning the games, our goal is to help girls achieve their dreams and goals”, adds Luana.

Those who were also thrilled with the scholarship won by the athlete were the president of FME, Neto Uggioni, who together with Satc, are partners of the Mampituba women's basketball team: “We are very happy with this opportunity, it is sport changing lives”.

“We support Isabella abroad and, of course, we hope that many other athletes from our city realize their dreams, whatever they may be.”


Mampituba women's basketball is part of the athlete training, maintained by the club through an agreement with the CBC (Brazilian Club Committee).