
Much of what we do in our daily lives requires the internet to function, as we know, this happens with almost everything. And nothing can delay online work more than bad internet, right? Thus making the quality of the internet you use very important. Having quality internet is extremely important, as it is necessary for practically everything in our daily lives.

Having internet directly on your smartphone is essential these days, and in addition to the internet we need good quality. Problems with internet speed are quite common and many people face this obstacle, for example: not having Wi-Fi nearby makes things even more difficult. And when it is necessary to use 3G or 4G it becomes frustrating for the user as the speed is usually slow.

Problems with loading delays are often faced by all of us, as slowness is common when we need to download, load a page, send messages or use a simple application. Everything becomes more difficult when the internet speed is low and thinking about you who are experiencing problems with slow internet on your cell phone, today we are going to show you some solutions for this case.


TIP 01:

One of the most common causes of slow internet on your smartphone can be the cache being too high, so we suggest you delete the cache to prevent this from interfering with the entire system on your cell phone. So you can clear the cache, simply access your cell phone's storage and clear it in the applications that are installed on your smartphone, or you can choose to install an application that does this for you, in general the cache from your cell phone.

TIP 02:

Start saving data on Instagram and other social networks, Instagram for example ends up being one of the applications that consumes the most mobile data on your smartphone, which can cause slowdowns if your internet plan is low. To reduce the use of data on this social network, you can choose to obtain a platform to manage your profile on Instagram, and through it carry out actions automatically, these platforms are generally quite safe and on them the user can program stories, posts and also send automatic messages, without the need to open the application all the time.


TIP 03:

You should avoid watching long videos, listening to music online and using heavy applications or doing any type of download when using your 3G or 4G, to be able to save your internet even more, if you save your internet in these previous circumstances, you will be able to use your social networks and send messages faster.

TIP 04:

You must enable reading mode, so that images are not downloaded, but only messages. Activating this reading mode in your browser will greatly save your internet data plan and your battery. By following this guidance, your internet will be much faster.


TIP 05:

Finally, we suggest that you delete applications that you do not use frequently, as many applications that are installed on your smartphone can end up causing problems by using internet services in the background. They cause your internet to slow down and waste unnecessary memory on your cell phone. So, right now, excuse the apps you don't use to speed up your internet.