
Google Chrome is much more than just a regular browser.

Behind the intuitive interface there is a range of powerful and hidden features.

That can transform your browsing experience.


Let's explore some of these features that you may not have discovered yet.

Integrated Task Manager

Many users are unaware that the Chrome It has a task manager similar to that of your operating system.

To access it, simply press “Shift + Esc” while in Chrome.

This will reveal a window with detailed information about:

  • Each tab open;
  • Running extensions;
  • The use of browser resources.

It's an effective way to identify tabs or extensions that may be consuming too much memory or power.

Reading Mode

Enhance your reading experience by activating “Reading Mode”.

This feature eliminates distractions like ads and design elements.

Leaving just the main content of the page.


To access it, click on the three dots icon in the top right corner of the address bar and select “Reading Mode”.

This function is especially useful for focusing on long articles or pages with lots of visual elements.

Keyword Research in Settings

Chrome offers a search function within settings, which can make it easier to find specific options.

When accessing the settings, just press “Ctrl + F” (or “Command + F” on Mac).


Then type the desired keyword.

This highlights all instances of that word in the settings.

Allowing a fast and efficient navigation for the available options.

Mouse Gestures

For users who want to navigate faster and more intuitively, mouse gestures are a valuable discovery.

Chrome allows you customize mouse gestures for various actions.

How to move forward or backward through pages, open new tabs, among others.

This can be configured through extensions or using third-party software features.

Reopen Accidentally Closed Tab

We've all closed a tab by mistake.

But few know that Chrome has a simple shortcut to reopen recently closed tabs.

By pressing “Ctrl + Shift + T” (or “Command + Shift + T” on Mac), you can restore the last closed tab.

And even several guides before this one.

Which can be a lifesaver in moments of distraction.


Google Chrome goes beyond what is visible at first glance.

With its hidden features, you can significantly customize and enhance your browsing experience.

From efficient resource management to Simple tricks to make navigation easier.

These features can make your interaction with the web more fluid and effective.

So, by exploring these hidden features of Google Chrome, you can discover new ways to enjoy this popular browser.

Try these tricks and transform your daily browsing into a more efficient and personalized experience.