
Established by the Ministry of Communications in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, government support came from the program Brazil Internet Aid.

It aims to ensure greater digital inclusion for students enrolled in public schools in the country.

Promoting Digital Education

The initiative aims to expand the access of public school students to the virtual universe.


Making online resources that are essential for quality education in modern times more accessible.

The National Education and Research Network (RNP) has been a strong ally in this process.

Connection Access

To achieve this purpose, the program includes distribution of chips and data packages.

Guaranteeing internet access for students at public educational institutions.


As long as their families are registered in the Single Registry (CadÚnico).

Project steps

The implementation of the program will take place progressively.

Starting in primary and secondary schools already included in the Connected Northeast Program.

The locations initially benefited include Caicó/RN, Campina Grande/PB, Caruaru/PE, Juazeiro/BA, Mossoró/RN, Petrolina/PE.


In addition to several cities in Minas Gerais: Araguari, Conceição das Alagoas, Nova Serrana, Prata, Uberaba and Uberlândia.

Benefit Details

The Aid Internet Brazil Its purpose is to ensure free internet access for students.

Enabling schools to offer more complete education.

With easy access to educational resources and the exploration of new teaching methodologies.

Participation Process


It is necessary that schools and Education Departments join the program so that students benefit.

Following all established adherence procedures.

The school selection criteria are determined by the Education Departments.

Schools must:

  • Sign up through the Direct Money at School Program (PDDE);
  • Establish distribution criteria among students;
  • Designate beneficiaries who meet the program criteria;
  • Manage all changes that may affect students’ receipt of the benefit.

To participate, students must:

  • Study in the public education network;
  • Be enrolled in primary education from the third year onwards or in secondary education;
  • Not have a chip from other government policies;
  • Show interest to the school in joining the program;
  • Sign a term of commitment;
  • Be registered with the Federal Government's Social Programs (CadÚnico);
  • Have access to a mobile device.

Versatile Card

Students participating in Internet Brasil will receive a neutral card.

Which will provide internet access, in addition to changing operator without the need to replace the card.

With Auxílio Internet Brasil, the government demonstrates its commitment to promote digital inclusion.

Ensuring that no student is left behind in the increasingly connected world we live in.