
Thank you for advancing there technology, there is a series of tools in Spanish available to all people who suffer from diabetes. With these tools you can educate yourself, share information with the community and to control the illness.

That's why we present the 3 best apps that allow you to monitor there glucose in blood from the convenience of your cell phone.

Social Diabetes

It is application The objective is that the user can carry out a control exhaustive of the illness. It could also be said that it is like a kind of “digital diary” where the patient can record their diet, indicating the foods they have eaten, as well as incorporating the amount of insulin consumed that day.


Depending on the information provided by the user, the application issues a series of recommendations.

And even, if based on the data indicated, it considers that there is a possibility of suffering nocturnal hypoglycemia, it alerts the user thanks to its intelligent system.

Furthermore, this application also creates graphics to follow the patient's evolution in a more visual way.

It also has an alert system that warns the user of possible complications, in accordance with the data provided.



It is an application that acts as a kind of daily record, allowing you to carry out control over food ingested, blood glucose levels or physical activity performed.

But the main feature of this application, without a doubt, we find it in the “cake calculator”.

The app itself, paying attention to the information provided by the user, recommends how much insulin should be administered to the patient.

Additionally, you can also sync with Apple Health to check health data, such as pulse rates or sleep history.



An application that has been created by the Federación de Diabéticos Españoles (FEDE) and is completely free.

Keep a diary to include information about the medication administered, the user's blood pressure or blood glucose values.

Asimism, acts as a kind of agenda from which the patient can configure a reminder alarm to let you know when you need to see your doctor, or when insulin should be administered.

It also has a specific section aimed at controlling and monitoring the exercise carried out by the user, as well as its intensity and dedicated time.


At the same time, it has a record aimed at controlling nutrition, indicating the minimum and maximum blood glucose values for each day.